a collection of resources for both authors and readers.



Minorities in Publishing Podcast
The brain child of publishing professional Jenn Baker, Minorities in Publishing (MiP) is a podcast discussing diversity (or lack thereof) in the book publishing industry with other professionals working in-house as well as authors and those in the literary scene.

People of Color in Publishing
The People of Color in Publishing Mentorship Program is a volunteer-based initiative that aims to create mentorship relationships between entry-level and experienced-level POC industry professionals. The initiative’s goal is to provide entry-level POC professionals a personal resource for support, guidance, and encouragement, as they begin to navigate a career in publishing.

Minorities in Publishing Podcast
The brain child of publishing professional Jenn Baker, Minorities in Publishing (MiP) is a podcast discussing diversity (or lack thereof) in the book publishing industry with other professionals working in-house as well as authors and those in the literary scene.
Latinx in Publishing
The Latinx in Publishing Writers Mentorship Program offers the opportunity for unpublished and unagented writers who identify as Latinx (mentees) to strengthen their craft, gain knowledge about the traditional publishing industry, and expand their professional connections through work with experienced Latinx authors (mentors).

Writer Beware
The official blog of Writer Beware® shines a bright light into the dark corners of the shadow-world of literary scams, schemes, and pitfalls. Also providing advice for writers, industry news, and commentary. Writer Beware® is sponsored by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association.

Steamy Lit Con
Our goal is to celebrate the romance genre and to amplify the identities in it which have been historically underrepresented. The Steamy Lit Con aims to be more than an event but a space to facilitate professional and personal connections, and to build thriving communities for authors and readers alike.